Case Study – CCS Project M&V Plan Review

Project goal

The primary objective of the M&V plan is to confirm long term containment of the stored CO2 within the storage complex. CO2Tech was tasked to provide an independent review of the Containment Risk Assessment and M&V Plan documents for the Regulators.

CO2Tech were also tasked to verify that the documents met the requirements of the statement of environmental objectives (SEO document) and the Australian Standard for geological storage of carbon dioxide (AS-ISO 27914:2019).


Oil and gas operator


  • Existing separated industrial CO2 source
  • Long term experience with gas production and injection
  • Depleted oil and gas reservoirs with proven cap rocks


Onshore Australia

CCS Project M&V plan

CO2Tech Challenge

CO2Tech was tasked to independently review the containment risk analysis and M&V document to achieve the objectives below:


  • Provide an independent review of the M&V Plan, including containment risk assessment, for Regulator
  • Confirm that project risks are identified, and the M&V Plan adequately addresses the risks.
  • Verify that the M&V Plan meets the requirements of the statement of environmental objectives: carbon storage.
  • Review alignment of the M&V Plan with the intent of the Australian Standard for geological storage of carbon dioxide (AS ISO 27914:2019).

Why CO2Tech

CO2Tech have nearly 20 years of experience of delivering projects to the Australian Standard for geological storage of carbon dioxide (AS ISO 27914:2019).

CO2Tech have experienced technical experts that have actually worked on geological sequestration projects so can provide advice that is relevant to commercial CCS projects and ensure that the M&V plan was ‘fit-for purpose’

What we did

CO2Tech extensively reviewed and provided recommendations on:

    1. The monitoring and verification plan
    2. The containment risk assessment

CO2Tech also reviewed other technical work and studies in support of the field development plan, risk assessment and M&V plan including:


  • a geomechanical study,
  • a geochemical study,
  • a field development plan (including static and dynamic modelling),
  • well integrity and remediation plans,
  • a flow assurance study,
  • the drilling and completion basis of design,
  • and the injection well technical design.

The result

An independent review of the M&V Plan, including containment risk assessment, for Regulator

Confirmed that project risks were identified, and the M&V Plan adequately addresses the risks.

Verified that the M&V Plan meets the requirements of the statement of environmental objectives: carbon storage.

Verified that the M&V Plan meets the requirements of the statement of environmental objectives: carbon storage.


Independent verification

Technical experts provided independent verification of the M&V Plan and containment risk assessment.


Regulation compliance

Verified that the M&V Plan meets the requirements of the statement of environmental objectives: carbon storage and complies with the objectives of the Australian Standard for geological storage of carbon dioxide (AS ISO 27914:2019).


Time saving

Within two months the review was complete allowing the operator to expediate their plans for their carbon storage operations.

Safety Assurance

Assured compliance through assessment against Australian standards and regulations.

Contact us


L3/289 Wellington Parade South, East Melbourne. Victoria 3002, Australia

Phone Number

+61 3 8595 9600
