Geological interpretation and Dynamic Modelling of Well Data

Project goal

To provide the client with an initial assessment of geological storage potential




Onshore Australia

Geological Characterisation


Two appraisal wells drilled into saline aquifers with potential for CO2 storage. Data from the appraisal wells included

Conventional and advanced geophysical logging. Logs included:

  • gamma ray,
  • spontaneous potential,
  • sonic,
  • calliper,
  • neutron porosity,
  • bulk density,
  • resistivity,
  • photoelectric effect,
  • borehole temperature,
  • and nuclear magnetic resonance.

Well velocity survey

  • Imaging survey
  • Wireline formation test
  • Reservoir fluid sampling
  • Extended leak off test


What we did

Geological Characterisation – Undertook a detailed facies analysis and seal capacity analysis to describe the geological character of prospective storage sites targeted by drilling, and develop static (geological) models of the subsurface formations.

CO2 Injection & Plume Migration Modelling – Performed numerical simulations of CO2 injection at each of the two well locations based on the new well data and geological information in order to assess injectivity, leakage potential, and the overall prospective storage capacity of the two potential reservoirs.

Geomechanical Evaluation – Delivered a first pass geomechanical assessment to understand the basin‐scale in situ stress field, and in so doing, gain some understanding of the stability of regional scale faults as they pertain to any future CO2 injection projects.

Geochemical Analysis & Modelling – Determined the in situ formation water composition using a combination of an in situ water sampler and a tracer added to drilling mud to determine the degree of contamination; and model fluid‐rock reactions under CO2 storage conditions using formation water composition, mineralogy and digital image analysis data.

The result

CO2Tech independently reviewed the well data to achieve:

The geological characterisation, modelling of injectivity and capacity for CO2 storage of potential saline formations

Simulations provided mean capacity of CO2 storage estimates with a proposed well design and injection strategy

A set of 5 recommendations to further constrain interpretations and reduce uncertainties

CO2Tech challenge

The scope of work requested by the client needed a 6-month inter-disciplinary team of experts across geology, geomechanics, and geochemistry. CO2Tech managed the team of experts to review all data to provide the client with a detailed analysis on CO2 storage potential and recommendations for future work to better characterise the potential for CO2 storage.


Why CO2Tech

CO2Tech have nearly 20 years of experience of delivering projects to the Australian Standard for geological storage of carbon dioxide (AS ISO 27914:2019).

CO2Tech have experienced technical experts that have actually worked on geological sequestration projects so can provide advice that is relevant to commercial CCS projects and ensure effective modelling of well data.


Project Excellence

CO2Tech can amange a team of inter-disciplinary experts to provide full Geological interpretation and Dynamic Modelling of Well Data

Resource Optimisation

CO2Tech were able to save the client significant time and cost by providing independent expert advice when compared to completeing the work in-house

Clear path forward for success

CO2Tech with their wealth of knowledge were able to not only provide the agreed work package but were able to provide recommendations and a clear pathway forward for project success

Accurate data analysis

CO2Tech used industry standard software and methodologies to provide data analytics and interpretations


Contact us


L3/289 Wellington Parade South, East Melbourne. Victoria 3002, Australia

Phone Number

+61 3 8595 9600
